In February, the SafeNav Consortium submitted its next Project deliverables: the Intermediate Data Management Plan (D1.1) and the Dissemination, Exploitation, and Communication Plan (D10.1). Project Partner, the University of Genova (UNIGE), also hosted a meeting in the Centro del Mare (Sea Center) for Global Maritime Services Limited (GMS).
The 2nd General Assembly is scheduled from the 15th to the 17th of March at the Univerisity of Rijeka's Faculty of Maritime Studies (UNIRI) in Croatia.
The Coordination Team, Work Packages Leaders, and Consortium Partners continue working collaboratively to achieve the Project milestones.
The ambition of the three-year maritime project is to develop and test a highly innovative Collision Prevention Solution that will significantly reduce the probability of collisions and groundings, thereby enhancing safer navigation at sea for an existing and new generation of vessels that aim for remote operation or autonomously in the future.