The Faculty of Maritime Studies at the University of Rijeka (UNIRI) welcomed the SafeNav Consortium to their campus for the project’s 2nd General Assembly meeting on Wednesday 15th March. The meeting began with a note by Project Coordinator Jacek Gruszka of Offshore Monitoring Limited (OSM) followed by a few remarks by the Dean of UNIRI, Ana Peric Hadzic.
Technical Team Lead Waqas Qazi (OSM) delivered an overview of the project and the overall technical status followed by the Project Coordinator’s detailed presentation on the Project Coordination and IPR Management Work package. Next, Captain Igor Toncic and Marko Stokov of Global Maritime Services Limited (GMS) shared updates relating to the User/Tech Specifications & Marine Standards Work Package, which included insight from Rolf O. Jensen of Safyr (SAF) on Risk Assessment, Mitigation Measures, and Compliance with Standards, etc.
Afterwards, Jensen (SAF) led a detailed session on the safety, human and organizational factors work package supported by inputs by Igor Rudin (UNIRI). Next up, Charlotte Le Coz of Naval Group (NAG) presented on the collision avoidance system and Rudin (UNIRI) contributed to the presentation as a task leader. David Van Hamme of IMEC introduced the Data Fusion Work Package after which Task Leaders shared progress from their individual tasks – ranging from hardware adaptation, the development of proprietary SafeNav GUI, VR simulations, and much more. Next, Romain Jan of Greenov (GRE) shared progress on the marine mammal collision avoidance work package. Qazi (OSM) delivered the final presentation of the day on Work Package 7 along with colleague Shahbaz Baig (OSM).
On the second day, the meeting resumed with Work Package Leaders delivering updates on their relevant work packages followed by a brief Q & A session. The presentations covered project progress on the following: Testing and Validation, Project Impacts & Environmental Assessments, Dissemination, Communication & Business Development. Lastly, Qazi (OSM) and R&D Lead Jas Powell (OSM) moderated two interactive sessions on Software Architecture with all Partners present.